Important question for anxiety-sufferers looking for a lasting solution to break free from anxiety, panic-attacks, fear and worry....

If there was a simple, step-by-step, PROVEN method to overcome anxiety (WITHOUT nasty side-effects - OR having to spend 1000s of $$$ - and hours! - on therapy)...would you feel confident enough to make it your #1 priority to commit to it?


Because I know that you know that overcoming anxiety isn't just about feeling "calmer" or more "relaxed"'s literally a game-changer for your whole life and would mean EVERYTHING to you!

  • Many anxiety-sufferers feel hopeless, depleted, exhausted and even ashamed from constantly fighting an internal battle with their own minds - and other people just don't understand how simply waking up and making it to the end of each day is a victory in and of itself.

  • Anxiety is a life-shrinker - it slowly steals everything from you- not just your peace of mind, but your enjoyment of life; your ability to function at your best and reach your goals; your relationships and social life and it even robs you of your very self as it shrinks your personality to someone you no longer even recognise... a smaller version of yourself crippled by fear, feeling weak and alone...

If you know without a doubt it's time to quit trying to find a quick-fix (it doesn't exist!) and to commit to getting to the bottom of your anxiety so you can overcome it once and for all, then keep reading...

Because what follows could EASILY be the most pivotal moment you look back on a few weeks from now...

...when you've literally started rewiring your brain to be less prone to anxiety, and your steadily shrinking life starts to expand once again as you feel more calm and at ease, become more resilient to life's stressors, are ready to have fun and socialise again and most importantly, your beautiful "old" self and sense of hope starts to return once more...

But first...

Let me know if this sounds familiar:

You've experienced a litany of physical anxiety symptoms that have freaked you out, like nausea, dizziness, headaches, difficulty breathing, insomnia and even a racing heart or skipped heart beats and panic attacks so bad you've literally thought you may be dying...

Mentally you've beaten yourself up for not being able to "calm down", rationalise or just get a grip - if only it was that easy - and have suffered from intrusive thoughts, overthinking, massive self-doubt, endless worrying all while having to put on a fake smile and brave face while you white-knuckle it through each day...

And it feels SO unfair that you're STILL dealing with this when you've tried everything!

Seeing doctors and psychiatrists who want to slap a label on you and claim it's simply a chemical imbalance and prescribe a revolving list of meds that rarely work but are very effective at making you feel numb and disinterested in life, unable to come off them because of hideous withdrawal symptoms and often worse anxiety than what you started with!

Or perhaps you've been down the therapy route, spent hours rehashing your childhood traumas, tried things like CBT, EDMR, and even hypnosis which helped a bit but you're still miles away from truly being better...

And then in desperation you trawl the Anxiety FB groups full of thousands of others just as lost and confused as you are, all comparing symptoms and meds and supplements and different brands of CBD oil and Ashwagandha all in the hope of finding that one thing that will release you from this nightmare...

With all that effort and commitment, following the advice of all the seeming experts, you DESERVE to be feeling better by now...

You DESERVE all those simple - but huge! - things that people who have never suffered from anxiety take for granted...

To feel confident and in control and not terrified of when the next panic attack will strike...

To fall asleep easily and get a good night's rest without your mind endlessly circling in fear-based thought loops...

To wake up feeling positive and looking forward to your day instead of with a sense of dread wondering how you'll make it through...

To be able to say YES! with excitement to social invitations and show up and have fun instead of having to come up with lame excuses and cancel cos your anxiety is through the roof...

3 Reasons You're STILL Suffering From Anxiety Despite Seemingly Trying Everything!!

1. You were sold the magic-pill lie...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti modern-medicine at all...we're SO fortunate that we have such advanced medical and diagnostic tools in today's day and age.

BUT while modern medicine is great for fixing broken legs, headaches and heartburn, it is FAILING people when it comes to mental heath (in fact the WHO predicts that anxiety and depression will be the leading causes of disability in the world by 2030)...

You may have been told that anxiety is simply a chemical imbalance in the brain and that taking medication is necessary and no different to a diabetic who needs to take their insulin...ummm, sorry but I'm calling BS on that!!..2 things here:

1) the whole chemical imbalance THEORY is actually just a theory based on how we know anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds work, they increase certain chemicals in the brain...but it has NEVER been proven there was an imbalance or deficiency of these neuro-transmitters in the first place - in fact, that has been disproven...(Did your doc ever "test" your levels before prescribing a medication? No!)

and 2) while you can test a diabetic's insulin levels and treat them accordingly and manage it's not that straight-forward with anxiety!

The studies on the efficacy of many anxiety meds and anti-depressants are NOT very compelling compared to other classes of drugs, if they were, there wouldn't be such an epidemic of mental health problems right now.

They also haven't been well studied for long-term use. And as you may well have experienced, they often come with a raft of side-effects and serious risks of addiction.

And to be fair some people do experience some benefits from medication, don't get me wrong...but if you're reading this right now I'm guessing like many others, that's not you!


To understand that anxiety is complex and can have a range of physical and mental factors behind it, it's not as simple as a "chemical imbalance" - and even if it was, neuroscience shows we can alter our own brain chemistry through our behaviour, thoughts and emotions anyway, so medication is not the only answer. The take-home is, there literally is no magic pill or band-aid solution for anxiety, not one without nasty side-effects anyway.

(Warning: please do not stop, reduce or alter your medication without your doctor's supervision, it can be very dangerous to do so)

2. You've been led to believe there are only 2 legitimate options for anxiety: meds or therapy..

I've covered the medication issue above, and the other thing many anxiety-sufferers try is therapy. Therapy and counselling CAN be very helpful for many, but from my experience working with people with anxiety, it's sadly not a silver bullet either...

It can be great for gaining perspective or understanding where your anxiety may be coming from in terms of past traumas etc, but many people report still not having the SKILLS to overcome anxiety when it rears it's ugly head again...which leads to many feeling fed-up after spending 1000s of $$$ and often years in therapy...and still suffering from anxiety.


To know that there is a 3rd, effective, PROVEN method that will give you the mental SKILLS to overcome anxiety that won't take years or cost 1000s of dollars....MINDFULNESS.

Mindfulness involves a collection of simple techniques that allows you to literally rewire your brain to be less prone to anxiety and instead calmer, happier and more resilient to stress. It's extremely well-studied, and is being used now in schools, hospitals, corporations, pain clinics and in some types of psychotherapy to improve many aspects of mental health (as well as peak performance and productivity).

In fact, studies have shown that just 8 weeks of daily mindfulness practice can reduce anxiety and depression by 50% and improve energy levels by 30% - without any nasty side effects! And the results get better the longer you practice and the more "re-wired" your brain becomes.

3. You've "tried" mindfulness, but you haven't REALLY tried mindfulness...

I've heard people dismiss mindfulness with things like, "yeah, yeah, I've tried that, it doesn't really work for me"...but when I ask them what they've specifically tried, it's usually something kinda half-assed like doing some guided meditations from Youtube or a mindfulness app, perhaps reading a mindfulness book or 2, or learning a couple of breathing techniques with their therapist...

That ain't gonna cut it!


First of all, to understand that in order to rewire your brain with any new skill, consistency is needs to be practiced for a short time each day for at least 8 weeks for it to really work. (Though many start feeling some significant benefits after just 2 or 3 weeks).

What's more, while mindfulness meditation is a very important part of mindfulness training, there's much more to it! As well as having a good understanding of the theory behind mindfulness, it needs to be brought into your daily life beyond simply meditating for 10 minutes or so, then getting back to your crazy day. It's not at all difficult to do this, but very few people have truly given mindfulness a real "go" in order to see the profound benefits it can provide.


By now, you're probably wondering how YOU can get started re-wiring your brain with mindfulness to feel calmer, happier and more in-control...

After teaching mindfulness to hundreds of students, experience has taught me there is a RIGHT way and a WRONG way to go about this...

The WRONG way involves going at it alone, without an experienced guide, reading a few books and experimenting with guided meditations on YouTube in an ad-hoc way and giving up prematurely as you're essentially navigating blind and getting completely overwhelmed with all the information and different techniques out there...

The RIGHT way involves learning with what I call the "Triple S's" in place:

Simplicity, Step-by-Step, Support...

The "Triple S's" will enable you to master mindfulness quickly and easily so that you:

  • Experience more happiness, confidence and self-esteem on a daily basis
  • Break free from debilitating anxiety symptoms such as panic attacks, insomnia and physical tension
  • Enjoy waking up with more energy, feeling positive and productive
  • Feel more in control, knowing you have the skills to cope with life's up and downs
  • Have the ability to RESPOND to stress, rather than unconsciously REACT and spiral into anxious thoughts
  • Experience more joy, ease and freedom to express your true self and reach your full potential
YES, these outcomes are totally within your reach whether you've been battling anxiety for years and tried everything or you've only recently started struggling with anxiety...

BUT, they do depend on using a system of learning that utilises the Triple S's so that you can by-pass the fluff; focus on the most effective and proven mindfulness techniques that really work, in a sequential way that avoids overwhelm and confusion...WITH the support you need to guarantee your success...

On that note, let me introduce myself!

Your Instructor

Sharee James
Sharee James

I’m Sharee James ND, a fully qualified Naturopath, Yoga & Mindfulness Meditation Instructor specialising in holistic mental health.

My own life-circumstances led me to focus on helping people with anxiety and depression after suffering from severe anxiety and panic attacks myself that on one occasion even landed me in the emergency department of the hospital! (NOT fun...)

Thankfully I had the tools and the training to overcome this debilitating period in my life without medication, and my own healing journey with mindfulness not only helped me overcome anxiety, but discover a deep well of inner peace and centredness that has made my life so much fuller and richer on EVERY level!
After experiencing how awful anxiety is for myself, with so few truly effective options available, I passionately narrowed and focused my naturopathic practice on holistic mental health, and became a certified mindfulness teacher so that I could help others experience life-changing results for themselves...without nasty side effects or risks of addiction.
I've since helped hundreds of people regain their mental health, hope and happiness in both my clinic and with my signature mindfulness program The Calmer Mind Course, and my work has been featured in several popular magazines and lifestyle blogs such as Mind Body Green, Tiny Buddha, Positively Positive, Yoga Life, Elephant Journal and Personal Growth to name a few.

In my personal life, I LOVE travel (when the borders are open obvs!), swimming in the ocean, curling up with a good book and a warm chai, stretching it all out in candle-lit yoga and spending time with my beautiful man and very soon - our new baby boy!


Robyn was able to improve her sleep, halve her anxiety medication and overcome exhaustion within 6 weeks!

"Thank you Sharee, I have loved every minute of The Calmer Mind Course, the content and effect has surpassed all expectations. My stress levels were very high when I started the course and I was taking anxiety medication daily and felt constantly exhausted. The medication has halved after 6 weeks* and the the exhaustion has miraculously abated too. The anxiety that used to sit high in my chest constantly has dissipated, my body is noticeably more relaxed and I feel a lot more settled. I find that my body wants to do the meditations every night, it's like my sedative and I am able to fall asleep much more easily instead of lying awake for hours worrying. I am already recommending this course to everyone I talk to!!!"

- Robyn Leahy, AUSTRALIA

*Please note, Robyn was able to reduce her medication under the supervision of her doctor, and medication must NEVER be reduced, started or stopped without professional medical supervision

After a lifetime of stress, Anna finally feels positive and that her mood is under control...

"As an older woman who has felt stress & anxiety most of her life, particularly in childhood, I felt it was just a part of my life and that it was too late to live differently. Before The Calmer Mind Course, my stress levels and mood felt out of my control, but now my stress and mood feels under my control and I am much more positive. I definitely recommend this course, the level of information - especially the scientific information around stress reduction and the body - is tremendous."

- Anna Kershaw-Barr, UK

The tools Janey learned in the Calmer Mind Course helped her cope with every mother's worst nightmare...

"When I started the course I really doubted if I’d complete it, wondering how I’d find the time. I work full-time and I’m also studying for my Master's. Added to that my husband and I were trying to buy our first house, plus a few weeks earlier I had found out I was pregnant with my first baby and I was feeling really nauseous and tired. I shouldn’t have worried as the course was very easy to fit around my busy schedule and it really helped me relax and feel calmer about all the things going on in my life. The course was a real saviour at the end of my first trimester when we were told there could be something wrong with the baby. The things I had learnt helped me stay sane during that month and thankfully all the tests eventually showed everything was fine. This is by far the best online course I have ever taken. It is so well prepared and easy to use. I have made immense improvements in my life through following all the practices in it and I know it is something that I'll repeat time and time again. It was an honour to participate and your course has made a real difference to my life Sharee. Thank you so much."

- Janey Brant-Beswick, UK

Agni was able to reduce her stress levels from a 7/10 to a 2/10 and release anxiety & self-criticism...

"When I started The Calmer Mind Course my stress levels felt like they were 7/10, by the end of the course they were down to 2/10. I really enjoyed the lectures, the topics were really interesting. All of the additional exercises and guided meditations were fantastic and really helped to cement what was covered in the teaching modules. I am less critical of myself now, and the meditations have really helped to release anxiety and not get stuck in any certain mental condition that I am having. Sharee's voice is also really nice to listen to."


Mother and daughter Sally & Kelly are feeling happy, calm and peaceful after The Calmer Mind Course...

KELLY: "I started The Calmer Mind Course with stress levels at 9/10 and they went down to a 4/10 by the second week. I have realised that I can learn to "turn off" immediate stressors when I have the tools to do so and become more present in everyday moments. I notice I am so happy after I listen to the meditations and lessons, I feel so good - and I have way less anxiety. Sharee's voice is also really relaxing - it put my puppy boxer to sleep!"

SALLY: "Sharee has presented everything in this course in a concise and well thought-out way. The way she has formulated all the knowledge she has gleaned on her journey and presented it is really beautiful and is hard to say but in a deeper way it has already made big changes in my psyche which can in turn really lead to having a calm and peaceful attitude unhampered by worry and judgment of situations that arise in life. I am grateful for Sharee's dedication to her work and her practice that she is sharing with us."

Kelly & Sally Stephenson, USA

Maria has gone from feeling anxious, stressed and emotional to clear and at ease...

"I thoroughly enjoyed this course! I started out feeling very anxious and stressed based on many factors in my life, but now I feel more at ease, less stressed and like I can process things more clearly and less emotionally. Thank you so much!"

-Maria Espinosa, USA



The Calmer Mind Course!

In this 8 week online program, you'll learn everything you need to go from anxious & overwhelmed to feeling calm & in-control as you rewire your brain with mindfulness

3 Ways The Calmer Mind Course Will Help Your Anxiety Be A Thing Of The Past...

Remember the "Triple S's"? Simplicity, Step-by-Step and Support? I believe we can learn anything when we're taught in the right way...that's why I've spent countless hours refining and testing this course to make sure it actually gets results as quickly and easily possible and caters to all learning styles.

I've built the "Triple S's" right into this program to guarantee your success - and enjoyment!

SIMPLICITY - we're all really busy and no one has time to spend hours each week watching long-winded lectures full of fluff. I've made sure The Calmer Mind Course has everything you need to understand the what, why and how of mindfulness without extraneous filler. One of my super-powers is making information digestible and easy to understand, and the techniques taught are PRACTICAL, effective and proven, and most importantly - SIMPLE...So that you can start implementing them straight away and feel better faster!

STEP-BY-STEP - Each module builds sequentially on the last, so you learn the right tools in the right order, to guarantee your success and avoid overwhelm. You'll build up your mindfulness skills from a firm foundation, making the more "advanced" and powerful techniques taught later in the course a breeze and maximising your results.

SUPPORT - We learn best when we have the support of peers and the guidance of an experienced teacher to help inspire, motivate and answer any questions. There's several ways to access this support within the program, and you'll also be supported in taking action with downloadable resources, checklists and cheat sheets to make it easy in implementing mindfulness into your daily'll be supported every step of the way!

Here's what you get:

It all comes as part of an 8 week, step-by-step online program that you can access from the comfort of your own home, and tailor to your unique schedule. Here's what's included:

  • 6 core modules with fully downloadable video and audio lessons
  • 2 integration weeks to help you stay on track
  • 10+ fully downloadable guided meditations
  • Relaxing and easy-to-follow video yoga classes
  • Beautiful pdf worksheets, cheat sheets, checklists and resource guides
  • PLUS some very special bonuses!

Here's a sneak peek of what's inside:

MODULE 1: Turning Within

This module is the foundation of the whole course and will teach you how to START – and STICK to – your own simple daily mindfulness meditation practice…even if you’re SUPER BUSY and your willpower SUCKS!

Mindfulness meditation has the ability to transform your ENTIRE life as it trains your brain to be less reactive and more resilient to stress so you can break free from being at the mercy of anxious thoughts and fears and deal with life's ups and downs with calm and grace.

You'll also:

  • Uncover the REAL toll your stress & anxiety is taking on your health, happiness & lifestyle and how to avoid the triggers that are making it worse. (This INVALUABLE insight is the first step in taking back control of your life!)
  • Discover the difference between responding vs reacting in stressful situations and no longer being at the mercy of external life circumstances
  • Have common meditation myths debunked including the #1 misconception that almost ALL new meditators make...(Sadly, this FALSE assumption causes countless newbies to give up too soon before experiencing the real benefits of meditation! But thanks to this lesson, this won’t happen to you!)

MODULE 2: Coming Home to Your Body

In the first module we approached anxiety from the mind, in this module we'll utilise the untapped potential of your body to literally "switch-off" the stress response.

Did you know that your body is a powerful tool for being able to "get out of your head" and into the present moment where you can feel more grounded and connected to your inner wisdom?

In this second module you’ll also:

  • Develop self-trust and self-confidence and stop worrying what other people think or seeking their approval
  • Get over frustrating indecision & crippling self-doubt by making firm, confident decisions based on your body's natural intuition
  • Release years of stress and built-up physical tension with yin yoga: one of the easiest, most relaxing forms of yoga around

MODULE 3: Everyday Mindfulness

Now that you've built a firm foundation with mindfulness meditation, it's time to bring these skills from the meditation cushion into the "real world".

This module will teach you short, simple techniques to bring more peace and calm day into your day and prevent stress from building up and triggering anxiety.

Highlights include:

  • A super-easy, "portable" mini-meditation practice you can do throughout the day to defuse stress and anxiety instantly
  • How to transform mundane, every-day chores into living meditation practices that strengthen your inner peace and clarity of mind every time you do them!
  • How to STOP wasting your life on auto-pilot and WAKE-UP to the hidden joy and wonder of the present moment

MODULE 4: The Foundation of True Self-Care

After gaining basic mindfulness skills in the first 3 modules, modules 4 to 6 will build on these skills to heal anxiety at some of

the deeper roots. Many anxiety-sufferers are fighting an inner battle with their own minds and suffer from massive self-doubt, relentless self-criticism and harsh self-judgement - which leads to MORE stress, anxiety and unhappiness.

In this module you’ll finally BREAK FREE from your inner bully and see your happiness and confidence soar!

You’ll discover:

  • How to stop dwelling on problems and getting caught up in negative thought-patterns
  • How to let go of self-sabotaging feelings of shame, inadequacy and fear of failure that are holding you back from reaching your true potential
  • How to become more resilient & self-compassionate in times of difficulty and better able to acknowledge and meet your own needs as your own best ally

MODULE 5: Dealing with Difficult Emotions

Underneath anxiety often lives a whirlpool of hidden emotions we try to turn away from...which unfortunately fuels more anxiety!

Anger, fear, sadness, grief, shame and resentment no longer have to steal your peace of mind if you have the tools to deal with them effectively…Which is just what this module will provide!

Highlights include:

  • A powerful guided meditation that you can use whenever you are experiencing strong emotions to process them safely and fully and regain your emotional balance
  • The reason why you unintentionally fuel negative emotions with your thoughts - causing them to last WAAAY longer than necessary… and how to stop it!
  • How to finally let go of the past and stop getting stuck in the same patterns and habits of suffering

MODULE 6: Creating Calmer Relationships

You may be wondering what the heck a module on relationships is doing in an anxiety course? In my experience working with so many anxiety-sufferers, I've witnessed a common personality-type in those prone to anxiety: people who are kind, intelligent, analytical...and also highly sensitive to people around them that often leads to people-pleasing or attracting difficult personality-types...

It’s not easy to keep your peace of mind if you have poor boundaries with others, have to deal with difficult people on a regular basis or have conflicts and troubles in your closest relationships…which is why this invaluable module is all about how you can bring calm to your relationships as well…

Some of the GEMS covered are:

  • Discover the #1 mistake that nearly EVERYONE makes that leads to dissatisfaction and conflict in relationships. (This applies ESPECIALLY to romantic relationships and is responsible for countless break-ups and divorces!)
  • How to put strong BOUNDARIES in place so you can stop taking on other people's drama and negativity, and stop saying YES when you really want to say NO
  • 2 mindfulness techniques to help you let go of old grievances and resentments that are keeping you stuck in the past and unable to move on
  • How to use the 6 qualities of mindfulness to transform your relationships from stuck, difficult or unsatisfying to peaceful, loving and deep

But wait...there's even more!


You may think anxiety is "all in your head", but the truth is, how we treat our bodies can also have a big effect on triggering or worsening anxiety. In this super-informative workshop I'll be donning my "naturopath hat" and sharing with you my best tips on:

  • Understanding the CRUCIAL gut-brain connection and how what you eat (and don’t eat) can literally switch on and off your stress response
  • How to identify the most common everyday diet culprits that are wreaking havoc on your moods and energy levels day in and day out, leaving you feeling tired, blue and unable to concentrate...
  • Simple diet-tweaks – with example meals and snacks – to naturally keep your stress hormones on the down-low
  • How essential a good night’s sleep really is for a calmer mind and my top 5 tips to have the most restful and refreshing sleep of your life!
  • PLUS, get a FREE downloadable natural herb and supplement guide with the tried and tested herbs and supplements I use with my clinic clients to help calm their nervous systems, and boost their energy levels, naturally...


Peer to peer learning has proven advantages over self-study which is why I have the added bonus of a private Facebook group…you can tap into collective brains, get access to new ideas, form powerful connections with like-minded friends plus stay motivated, inspired and accountable to take action as part of a dynamic group.

PLUS, while most online courses are “set and forget” in regards to access to the teacher…ie you are given the course materials and then just left to your own devices, in this course I will be accessible in the Facebook group regularly to:

  • Answer any of your questions and clarify anything you may need more guidance on
  • Help you to stay inspired and motivated throughout the course
  • Cheer you on and give you personalized advice and support – I want nothing more than to see you get incredible results!

Get started now!

Try it for 30 Days with my "Try It, Test It & Apply It Money-Back Guarantee"

I'm so passionate about helping you to retrain your brain to overcome anxiety with mindfulness, I want to make it as easy as humanly possible for you to say "yes" to this - literally - life-changing opportunity.

Enter the Calmer Mind Guarantee...

Take 30 days to go through the first 3 modules of The Calmer Mind Course.

If after practicing the initial meditations; completing the exercises and worksheets and getting all the support and guidance you need in our Facebook group, you haven't noticed a significant reduction in your anxiety as well feeling calmer, more positive & settled and better able to handle stress on a daily basis, then simply log into your course account and fill out the contact form to request an immediate refund.

Why am I so confident doing this?

  1. The science is in - mindfulness is PROVEN to rewire your brain to be less anxious and more calm. While 60 days gives best results, you should feel significantly better after just 30 days of regular practice
  2. With my "Triple S" teaching method of "simplicity, step-by-step and support", I know you have EVERYTHING you need to actually make a real go of this and get the results you so desperately desire - quickly and with a minimum of fuss
  3. I've witnessed former Calmer Mind students from a variety of different backgrounds and personal histories, with varying levels of anxiety TRANSFORM their lives and even I've been amazed to see them finally conquer their anxiety and embrace life with a newfound sense of peace, purpose and joy...and I know you can do this too!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: I've tried mindfulness/meditation before, and found it difficult/did not really help's this different?
I completely understand, this is one of THE most common things I hear as a meditation teacher! But it's really important to realise that: Firstly - there's a WORLD of difference between "dabbling"/ trying meditation a few times, and REALLY being taught how to meditate properly and then giving it a fair go for a decent period of time in order to see the benefits. This course will give you the foundational skills to meditate with ease, and keep you on track to make it a daily habit so that you actually unlock the powerful results meditation is capable of delivering in rewiring your brain to be less anxious... Secondly, in my experience, the #1 reason many new meditators struggle with meditation is due to having some BIG misconceptions about what meditation is "supposed" to be like...they think they should be able to stop their thoughts and make their mind go completely blank or instantly feel relaxed and blissful - and if they don't experience that they feel like a failure or that they're doing something wrong! As I teach in the first module, this is simply not true - the essence of mindfulness involves being open and accepting of whatever experience you are having in the moment, without judgement or resistance, which paradoxically leads to more inner calm and peace, and I can assure you, ANYONE can learn to meditate, it's really not difficult when you're properly taught how and you can let your expectations go!
Q2: I've NEVER even heard of mindfulness before or tried meditation, is this suitable for complete beginners?
Ab-so-lutely! It doesn't matter if you know zero about mindfulness or have never once tried meditation, this course covers everything you need to know to to rewire your anxious brain with the simplest, most well-studied mindfulness techniques and I will also be available to answer any and all questions you may have throughout the'll be guided EVERY step of the way. Newbies are totally welcome and I can't wait to introduce you to the power of mindfulness!
Q3: I've had anxiety for so long and tried so many things, I'm skeptical that anything can really help me now...I think anxiety is just "me"...
My heart goes out to you, I have worked with many people who have lost nearly all hope... BUT...let me reassure you, one of the most exciting things that neuroscience has proven is that the brain is "plastic" - this means that it can make NEW neural connections at any age with the right input and training. So if you've suffered anxiety for a long time, definitely your brain will currently be "hard-wired" to produce more anxiety, but the good news is, it doesn't have to be "stuck" like this... if you are consistent and diligent, with practice you CAN rewire it to be less sensitive to stress and triggered by anxiety, and more calm and relaxed. It will take commitment and some time - but anxiety is definitely not just "you" and you're not doomed to suffer from it forever!
Q4: My anxiety is pretty mild, I don't have panic attacks, I'm just prone to over-stressing about little things and worrying too much, is this course for me?
Yep, this course will definitely help even with mild anxiety and the everyday stress of modern-day life...and in fact will start safeguarding you now against potentially worse anxiety down the track. Many more severe anxiety-sufferers start off like you and then after a crisis or a trauma can descend into full-blown or more severe anxiety, so learning these essential life-skills now is not only ideal to prevent that, but will enable you to start living a calmer, richer, fuller life  with less stress, right away!
Q5: Isn't meditation a bit "woo-woo"...I'm a practical person not a navel-gazing hippy or Buddhist monk!
I love practical people - I'm a practical person too! Sure, meditation was considered a bit "fringey" back in the 60s when it first started to enter Western culture, but since then there have been 1000s of studies proving it's benefits and mindfulness meditation in particular is now taken very seriously - hence it's increasing implementation within healthcare, education and business. It's not gonna make you zoned-out, dreamy or unable to function in the "real world", quite the opposite - mindfulness increases focus and productivity, improves relationships, and enables you to live life more fully engaged and joyfully, and less "stuck" in your own head! As for Buddhism, it's true that mindfulness descends from Buddhist meditation practices, but modern mindfulness is completely secular - it draws on the practical roots of this tradition but is completely non-dogmatic and suitable for people from any (or no) religion. There's nothing you have to "believe" in mindfulness, only practical techniques to "practice" and benefits to experience!
Q6: I'm already stretched very thin, how much time do I have to invest to see results?
We're all busier than ever and this course has been designed to fit into YOUR lifestyle. As you'll learn in module 1, it is important to commit to 10 to 20 minutes of guided meditation per day to see real results, and I'm sure even the busiest person has 10 minutes! Aside from that I would recommend scheduling 1-3 hours a week to go through the course content and other exercises, but each module is dripped out week-by-week to avoid overwhelm, and there are 2 integration weeks built in to the course to catch up on anything if needed. But, there is really no falling behind - you have lifetime access to the course and you can take as long as you like to go through the content or linger in certain modules before moving on - this course is designed to reduce your stress, not add to it!
Q7: I'm not very techy and I've never done an online course before - is the course platform easy to use?
It sure is! I chose to have The Calmer Mind Course hosted on a state-of-the-art online learning platform called Teachable, which hosts thousands of different courses and is renowned for it's intuitive simplicity and user-friendly experience! You definitely don't have to worry, the course is very cleanly laid out and super simple to use, and if you get stuck at all, you can always reach out to myself or the super-helpful Teachable support team. All the content is also downloadable if you prefer to go through it offline for any reason.
Q8: Can you remind me what I'm getting when I enroll today?
YES! For one payment of $297 USD or 3 x monthly payments of $120 you'll get lifetime access to The Calmer Mind Course,  an 8 week online program in which you'll learn everything you need to go from anxious and overwhelmed to feeling calm and in-control as you rewire your brain with mindfulness. It includes:  6 core modules with fully downloadable video and audio lessons  2 integration weeks to help you stay on track  10+ fully downloadable guided meditations  Relaxing and easy-to-follow video yoga classes  Beautiful pdf worksheets, cheat sheets, checklists and resource guides  PLUS 3 very special bonuses including a FREE Nourishing Your Nervous System online workshop (valued at $197),  FREE access to a private FB group with ongoing support from me (valued at $497) plus a FREE Aromatherapy for Anxiety Masterclass (valued at $97!)
Q9: Is it really risk free?
Yep! I don't want you to fork out any money if you haven't gotten results, which is why you have 30 days to go through the first 3 modules of the course, apply the lessons and if you haven't seen an improvement in your anxiety, then just let us know and we'll refund your investment. Easy-peasy!

Still undecided?

You're ready to overcome anxiety and achieve a calmer mind with The Calmer Mind Course if:

  • you suffer from mild anxiety or rising stress levels and you want to nip it in the bud NOW so you can get back to enjoying your life and feeling like your old self again
  • you've been suffering from more severe anxiety for quite awhile, have tried pretty much everything and realise there's no magic pill or quick fix, and are ready to really do what it takes to find a lasting (side-effect free!) solution
  • you realise you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain by learning practical, evidence-based skills to rewire your brain to be less anxious, and that this will impact EVERY area of your life for the better
  • you're willing to commit to 10-20 mins a day of guided meditation - something you'll joyfully WANT to commit to after feeling calmer and more settled than you have in YEARS after just a few short weeks of practice
  • simplicity, step-by-step learning and support are important to you - you don't want to become a meditation master or spend hours delving into theory, but want to master the handful of techniques that will make the biggest impact so you can start overcoming anxiety immediately!
  • you're excited at the thought of what a life free from anxiety would look like for you: from the "little" things (better sleep, more energy, peace of mind) to the "big" things (finding happiness and joy in life again, having the courage to go after your dreams and goals and realise your full potential)
  • you're excited to get started ASAP - knowing that every day of mindfulness practice not only makes you FEEL better in the short-term, but is day-by-day literally rewiring your brain away from anxiety, stress and fear to a new reality of peace, calm and contentment for the long-term
  • you feel confident diving in and giving it your best shot, knowing you have 30 days to "try it, test it & apply it": It's simple, either you do the work and start experiencing the incredible benefits of mindfulness for yourself over 30 days, or if not, contact the Teachable team via the contact form, and we'll hit undo on this whole mindfulness "experiment"...

If you caught yourself nodding to at least 5 of the 8 points above, then I CANNOT wait to meet you inside The Calmer Mind Course!

Get started now!

By now, I think you can answer the question I asked you at the beginning of this page:
There IS a simple, step-by-step, PROVEN method to overcome anxiety without nasty side effects or years in therapy...’s The Calmer Mind Course!

And you CAN feel confident enough to make it your #1 priority to commit to it!

So if you’re still here, let’s stop beating around the bush shall we? (#TRUTHBOMBS!)

If you realise by now that the best time to start rewiring your anxious mind with mindfulness was yesterday...and the next best time is TODAY, you need The Calmer Mind Course!

If you know that you're ready to stop the fruitless searching for a magical "quick-fix" for anxiety and get down to doing the real -and rewarding - work of training your brain to be less anxious, you need The Calmer Mind Course!

If you're excited about not just feeling calmer and more resilient to stress, but sleeping better, having more energy and feeling more happy and content in your own skin, you need The Calmer Mind Course!

And if you're ready to put a STOP to anxiety's shrinking of your life, and reclaim not just your peace of mind, but your enjoyment of life; your ability to function at your best & reach your goals; your relationships & social life and your ability to reach your full potential, then you DEFINITELY need The Calmer Mind Course!

If you're ready, I SO look forward to partnering with you so that 8 weeks from now you look back on this moment as the best decision you ever made not just to improve your mental health, but to live your best life in every possible way!

Get started now!